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Chân nến thủy tinh
Product descriptionThe clear glass reflects and enhances the warm glow of the candle-flame.We made F.....
30.000/cáiProduct dimensionsLength: 5 cmWidth: 5 cmHeight: 3.5 cmdesignerJ Jelinek/N KarlssonPackage.....
Nến đốt tinh dầu
Product dimensionsDiameter: 38 mmBurning time: 4 hrPackage quantity: 24 packPackage measurement and .....
Vỉ 30 nến thơm mùi cỏ non
Product descriptionA refreshing scent of newly cut grass and spicy herbs.Suitable when you want to c.....
Nến thơm cốc
Product dimensionsDiameter: 5.7 cmHeight: 8 cmBurning time: 15 hrPackage quantity: 4 packPackage mea.....
Product descriptionA sweet scent of vanilla and warm milk with hints of coconut.Suitable when you wa.....
Vỉ 30 nến thơm mùi vani
Nến cây
Product dimensionsDiameter: 22 mmHeight: 19 cmBurning time: 6 hrKey features- The candle burns .....
Vỉ 30 nến thơm mùi nhài tây
Product descriptionA scent of jasmine, pear, ginger and lily of the valley.Suitable when you want to.....
Bộ 3 chân nến thủy tinh
Product descriptionSMÄLLSPIREA is a timeless and elegant series inspired by traditional glass design.....
Product descriptionA joyful scent of berries, leafy greens and violets.Suitable when you want to cre.....
Vỉ 30 nến thơm mùi dâu